A Comprehensive  "Bully Proofing"
Program For kids Ages 6 to 12
Our Fundraisers Empower Kids, Transform Communities
and Are Designed To Raise Thousands of Dollars for
Your PTO, Congregation, Scout Troop,
or other Community Non-Profit
Our Fundraisers Empower Kids, Transform Communities and Are Design ed To Raise Thousands of Dollars For YOUR Congregation, PTO, Scout Troop, Team,
or other Community Non-Profit
Through A Unique Blend Of  Yoga, Meditation, Martial Arts and Mindfulness
Which Of These Common Threats Endanger The Kids In YOUR Community?
Vaping? Drugs?  Alcohol?  Sexting?  School-shootings? 

Then there's bullying epidemic that, despite massive media attention, shows no signs of going away.

In fact, because of smartphones and social media, is worse and scarier than ever.
Hello Parents and Community Leaders,  My name is Ran Zohar. 

For over 30 years now I've been on a mission to empower as many kids as possible with the mind-set and skill-set to  stand up to bullies, peer-pressure and other dangerous and negative influences. 

I do this by teaming up with local non-profit groups (PTOs, Churches, Scouts, etc) to offer a unique fundraising opportunity:  A Fun, Six-Week program that empowers, bully-proofs and helps kids resist negative peer pressure. 
In just 6 Weeks Kids Learn:
How to stand up
and speak up
for themselves assertively and with real self confidence
How to avoid, verbally de-escalate, & physically defend themselves against all types of Bullying
How To say NO to vaping, smoking, drugs, alcohol, sex sexting, and other dangerous behaviors
How to develop "thicker skin" and the resilient mind-set that will keep them emotionally safe 
But That's Not All...
When you set up a fundraising course with us 
you're also empowering and safeguarding your kids!
We Donate 30% Of The Proceeds From Your Fundraiser To Your Organization!
our program is offered exclusively through fund-raising partnerships with local non-profits, including schools, churches, synagogues, mosques, PTO's, scouts, and more!
Partnering with us is free, easy, and we do all the work for you!
If you'd like us to contact you about setting-up a fundraising partnership for your organization 
just click the button below to visit our fundraising partnership application page. 
It's Easy To Team Up With Us...
STEP 1: Click the "Inquire About Fundraising" button on this page. 

STEP 2: Fill in the short application for the organization you want us to sponsor.

STEP 3:  We will contact you to answer all your questions and decide together if we are a good fit. If we are, we then...

STEP 4: We set up a dedicate web page for your members to securely enroll and pay for the 6-week course. We also provide you with all the promotional materials (Flyers samples, Emails, etc) and a step-by-step guide for you to promote the course to your members.

STEP 5:  At the end of 6-week course we will hold a "Graduation Party" for the participants where we present a check to a representative of your organization in the amount of the total sum of $50 per-participant that enrolled and paid through that organization's enrollment form. 

A typical course with 20 participants will result in a $1,000 donation to your organization. If your organization has a large memberships/congregation you may hold courses on an on-going basis and raise thousands of dollars every year!
Go Ahead, Take Action Now!
Hurry! Our Fundraising Schedule Fills Up Fast!

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